20 Fact's for Austria

  Austria is a landlocked country located in Central Europe. It is bordered by Germany to the northwest, the Czech Republic to the north, Slovakia to the northeast, Hungary to the east, Slovenia and Italy to the south, and Switzerland and Liechtenstein to the west .Austria has a rich historical background, and Vienna, the capital, was once the imperial seat of the powerful Habsburg monarchy. The Austro-Hungarian Empire was a major European power until its dissolution after World War I. 20 Interesting fact's for Austria 1. Geographical Location: Austria is a landlocked country in Central Europe, surrounded by Germany, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Slovenia, Italy, Switzerland, and Liechtenstein. 2. Capital: Vienna is the capital and the largest city of Austria. 3. Official Language: The official language is German. 4. Currency: The official currency is the Euro (EUR). 5. Population: As of my last knowledge update in January 2022, Austria had a population of around 8.9

20 fact's for Poland


Poland, officially known as the Republic of Poland, is a country located in Central Europe. It is bordered by Germany to the west, the Czech Republic and Slovakia to the south, Ukraine and Belarus to the east, and Lithuania and the Baltic Sea to the north. Poland has a rich history, with its roots dating back to the early medieval period. Over the centuries, it has been a significant player in European politics, experiencing periods of expansion and contraction.

Poland regained its independence in 1918 after World War I and went through a tumultuous 20th century marked by World War II, during which it suffered significant devastation and loss of life. The country became a Soviet satellite state after the war but eventually transitioned to a democratic government in 1989, marking the end of communist rule.

Today, Poland is a member of the European Union and NATO. Its capital and largest city is Warsaw. The country has a diverse cultural heritage, with contributions to literature, music, art, and science. Additionally, Poland is known for its picturesque landscapes, including the Tatra Mountains and the Masurian Lake District.

20 interesting fact's for Poland

  1. 1. Location: Poland is located in Central Europe and is bordered by Germany, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Ukraine, Belarus, Lithuania, and the Baltic Sea.

  2. 2. Capital: The capital city of Poland is Warsaw.

  3. 3. Language: The official language is Polish.

  4. 4. Population: As of my last knowledge update in January 2022, Poland had a population of over 38 million people.

  5. 5. European Union Member: Poland is a member of the European Union, having joined in 2004.

  6. 6.Currency: The official currency is the Polish złoty (PLN).

  7. 7. History: Poland has a rich history, with the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth being a significant power in the 16th and 17th centuries.

  8. 8. Independence: Poland regained its independence on November 11, 1918, after World War I.

  9. 9. World War II: Poland was one of the first countries invaded by Nazi Germany in 1939, marking the beginning of World War II.

  10. 10. Solidarity Movement: The Solidarity movement, led by Lech Wałęsa, played a crucial role in the collapse of communism in Poland in the late 1980s.

  11. 11. Religion: The predominant religion in Poland is Roman Catholicism.

  12. 12. Wieliczka Salt Mine: The Wieliczka Salt Mine, near Krakow, is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and has been in operation since the 13th century.

  13. 13. Auschwitz-Birkenau: Auschwitz-Birkenau, a former Nazi concentration and extermination camp, is located in Poland and is now a museum and memorial.

  14. 14. Masurian Lakes: Poland is home to the Masurian Lake District, which is known for its picturesque landscapes and is a popular tourist destination.

  15. 15. Tatra Mountains: The Tatra Mountains, part of the Carpathian mountain range, are situated on the border between Poland and Slovakia.

  16. 16. Chopin: The famous composer and pianist Frédéric Chopin was born in Poland.

  17. 17. Pierogi: Pierogi, a traditional Polish dumpling, is a popular and beloved dish in Poland.

  18. 18. St. Mary's Basilica: Located in Krakow, St. Mary's Basilica is known for its stunning Gothic architecture.

  19. 19. Football (Soccer): Football is a widely popular sport in Poland, and the national team has a strong following.

  20. 20. Białowieża Forest: The Białowieża Forest, straddling the border between Poland and Belarus, is one of the last and largest parts of the primeval forest that once covered much of Europe. It is a UNESCO World Heritage Site.


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